CEITEX Manila Pasay | Consumer Electronics & IT Expo
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Local time:
17:25 h (UTC +08:00)
Fair location:
SMX Convention Center Metro Manila,
Seashell Drive, 1300 Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines
CEITEX Manila aims to be the CES in the Philippines. The events showcase the latest consumer electronics products especially smartphones, computers, appliances of tech companies along with IT and web solutions. Expected exhibitors are IT and mobile companies, digital marketing firms, computer hardware manufacturers, drone companies & distributors, mobile app companies, cloud services, digital camera manufacturers and distributors. CEITEX MANILA will be held at SMX Convention Center Manila in Pasay.
The CEITEX Manila in Pasay took place from Wed., 18.09.2019 to Fri., 20.09.2019 for the 2nd time. Upcoming to be confirmed.